Die Influencer

eBay for Charity 

eBay for Charity enables charitable organisations to benefit from the reach of the popular online marketplace to raise awareness of their particular cause. In the process, eBay inspires people to do good deeds every day. Simply while shopping online. 

Mac screen with an article
Tablet mit einem Artikel
Handy mit Instagram-Story in der man ein Kleid von Jenny Frankenhauser ersteigern kann
Cell phone with an Instagram story in which you can bid for a watch from Riccardo Simonetti
Homepage from ebay


 eBay turned 20 in 2019. The online marketplace wanted to celebrate this anniversary in suitable fashion while also doing something good. The objective was to raise funds for charity with strong partners and exciting campaigns. 


To achieve this we activated key eBay influencers. In collaboration with the "Lochis", Heiko and Roman Lochmann, we auctioned off exclusive fan packages with tour tickets including a meet & greet. Twenty other celebrities from entertainment, fashion and sports industries also provided their own personal items to auction off. All proceeds were then donated to "A Heart for Children". 


Alone our celebrity partners’ online followers on Instagram and YouTube enabled eBay for Charity to reach 11.8 million people. Our public relations team guaranteed the necessary coverage in high-reach media such as Bild.de or "Brisant", the ARD television tabloid magazine. 

11,8 million contacts on Instagram and YouTube 

Coverage in high-reach media such as Bild.de and ARD “Brisant” 

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