eBay – Spread the Word
eBay Inc. is a leading global commerce company that connects millions of buyers and sellers in markets around the world – whether they are individuals, traders or businesses of all sizes. eBay‘s platforms include the online marketplace ebay.com, country-specific marketplaces such as ebay.de and eBay apps. This makes the company one of the largest and most vibrant online marketplaces in the world. Since 2012, PIO supports the German online marketplace ebay.de in its internal communication at the site in Berlin/Dreilinden.
What is the secret of successful companies like eBay? Commitment. Only when employees internalize and live common values and goals, they do their best – and become ambassadors for their company both internal and external. Such commitment does not come and stay on its own. It requires communication.
Our activities serve to strengthen commitment, corporate culture and loyalty of the employees. They should internalize eBay's values, goals and strategy, and accordingly align their actions, as they contribute to the company's success.
Our work helps eBay to continue positioning itself as an outstanding employer which is also confirmed by the results of the kununu rating platform: 76% of the rating users would recommend eBay as an employer. Communication and culture are valuated with 3.7 and 3.8 out of 5 stars - significantly higher than the industry average in retail. This makes us proud and spurs us on.